Sunday, April 29, 2012

Commiting to Change

When I don't like something I change it. It's time to go a different direction. Wallowing doesn't help and keeps me from moving on. No more gossiping; it almost always hurts someone. If they wanted you to share it, they would've announced their secret to everyone in the first place. Next improvement, cease the swearing. Some times it's hard to avoid, but there's no need to curse every other my habit now. Both of those habits have caused guilt for me, for years. I hate to hurt anyone's feelings, and I never want to make someone feel bad about who they are. It's not okay, and people forget how easy it is to break someones self confidence down.

Reason for blog today: Had a long serious conversation last night, and it really made me change my perspective. There's no real reason I should be as sad as I've been. Things could be MUCH, MUCH worse, I've always known that just becomes more apparent your life is less dreary than you believe when you get a little older. I'm extremely lucky I've been as blessed as I have. Parents still married, only lost my Grandpa's and a couple friends from school. I've never been in a real fight, besides my brother. Then again, my brother's always around when I need him. I can always come home. I've had my parents come get me when I get in situations I shouldn't be in, not everyone can say that. People need to have at least one person they're able to fully depend on. Those people are hard to find, but I know there's still good people like that.

I believe Karma is very real, and I've never done anything heinous to anyone, and do as much as possible for the people I think need it. Hopefully life will continue to stay positive and I'll able to be there for my friends whenever they need me.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ms.Negative Pants

I haven't had much luck with the fellas lately, starting to think creeps are all that's left. Is everyone fake? I'm direct all the time, if I want you- I want you. Not this crap I've gotten lately "I like you, but I'm not looking for a relationship" but I'm cool with trying to get in your pants for a few more weeks. I've never wanted the one night stand, and it's pissing me off those seem to be the only offers I'm getting. Guess I've never been good with choosing 'good guys'..user/liar, then slacker/too aggressive. I'm just too impatient for someone worth while, and I keep settling for the wrong guys. I guess I should listen to everyones advice and stay single for a long, long time.. I want my Mr.Wonderful to be in my very near future. Please.