Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ms.Negative Pants

I haven't had much luck with the fellas lately, starting to think creeps are all that's left. Is everyone fake? I'm direct all the time, if I want you- I want you. Not this crap I've gotten lately "I like you, but I'm not looking for a relationship" but I'm cool with trying to get in your pants for a few more weeks. I've never wanted the one night stand, and it's pissing me off those seem to be the only offers I'm getting. Guess I've never been good with choosing 'good guys'..user/liar, then slacker/too aggressive. I'm just too impatient for someone worth while, and I keep settling for the wrong guys. I guess I should listen to everyones advice and stay single for a long, long time.. I want my Mr.Wonderful to be in my very near future. Please.


  1. Aww, you don't think I'm a creep do you? lol. But maybe you should stay single for a while, Mr. Perfect will show up eventually, you just gotta be patient, not force it, and play the hand you've been dealt. Mr. Right won't be the one who wants to get in your pants right away, but you don't need the obvious stated. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I think the right guy is out there just waiting to meet you, and when you meet him, you'll know it. I'm a sap. lol. You can always talk to me, if you like. I'll always give it to you straight, promise. ;)

  2. Nope you're not a creep. In fact it'd be amazing if you had an available, identical twin who acted just like you- no way I'd let him go lol.

    It's nice to be reminded that somebody thinks I have a soul mate. I know the facts, I'm too young to be this crazy about finding somebody. I need to focus on getting my life together, and less on what guys expect of me.
    Honestly I think that's my biggest problem - I'm a frickin people pleaser, and I can't say no. I am so easily manipulated/guilted. The type of guys to avoid should be burned into my brain by now, but I repeat the pattern.
    Thanks for talking to me about this, it's self centered but I'm a girl - almost 22 - and not a lot much else going on hahah.

  3. I think I'll take that as a compliment. ;) lol. I don't really see myself as the kind of guy girls are looking for, until a girl says something like that, and I'm usually shocked when they do.

    I believe in soul mates. I think there is someone out there for everyone, but they may not find them. I know how it feels to be crazy about finding someone. But, eventually, you'll learn how to forget about it, and when you do, that's usually when they find you. Putting it bluntly - To HELL with guys. Most of them are not worth the effort, and the ones that are, are too hard to find to waste so much time on them. You're preachin to the choir about being a people pleaser. Why do you think you always see me at work on my day off? I always try to make ppl happy. Its a gift and a curse, because a lot of ppl take advantage of it, and I hate it, and realize its happening, but I do nothing to stop it. Hey, if you ever feel like you're going to repeat the pattern, call me up or text me or something. I'm usually a pretty good person to vent/talk to. We can grab lunch or go walking and rant about things. lol And I think everyone deserves to be a little self-centered every now and then. The problem is, I never seem to take my own advice. lol

  4. You shouldn't be shocked, from where I'm standing you're the guy that girls hope for. I don't think you're a nerd, suppose I don't know you well enough to assume you're the 'dream guy' hahah..but so far doing good lol.

    Yeah it just keeps getting shoved in my face over and over - the guys you like are sleazy, after one thing - with as MANY GIRLS AS POSSIBLE lol. It's part of why I don't trust anyone, I've been lied to by everyone. Seriously I don't even trust myself lol. I make bad judgements all the time..thinking about hiding in my room for a couple years.

    I do the exact same thing at work! I worked a double for Beth today, really didn't want to be there! Haha. Yeah I'd be really cool with hanging out with you, to be honest I'm low on real friends (surprise! since I'm such a hermit lol). I'm fighting the pattern right now actually, I just want to cave :/ I'll email you on fb my # so the bloggers of the world dk haha.
